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Latest Scottish Borders Alerts

Message icon 49P3

Eyemouth Harbour – Update - barriers will remain in place

Update today, Friday 12 April, positive surge expected today. There is little or no waves forecast...

Local Authority
12/04/2024 10:15:22

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Message icon 49P2

Yellow weather warning for rain, flood warning for Eyemouth Coastal area, warning of overtopping in coastal areas

Warning today, Tuesday 9 April, for high tides and possible overtopping in coastal areas. Impact is ...

Local Authority
09/04/2024 12:11:48

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Message icon 49P2

Residents are asked to be vigilant - rainfall warning - possible risk of flooding

A yellow weather warning for rain has been issued between 0100hrs on Tuesday 9 April and 1800hrs. T...

Local Authority
08/04/2024 11:58:37

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Message icon 49P2

Storm Kathleen likely to bring a spell of very windy weather across the Scottish Borders

Weather warning has been issued by the Met Office warning of a named storm, Kathleen, likely to brin...

Local Authority
05/04/2024 17:28:21

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