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Storm Eowyn update

A yellow weather warning for snow and ice is in place for much of the Scottish Borders until 11am on Saturday. This may cause hazardous driving conditions. Up to 10cm of snow is possible over 200m, however ice is a more significant hazard. 

A yellow weather warning for wind is in place for northern parts of the Borders until 3pm on Saturday.

Reporting issues

Please use our online form to report any weather-related issues. 

Our dedicated incident line 01835 826549 is now also open to report issues. It will close at 5pm today.

We'd ask that as much information is provided as possible when issues are reported, especially location and extent of any blockage.

Power cuts

A number of communities are experiencing power cuts. If you have a power cut please call Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN) on 105.

Details of known issues and advice can be found on the SPEN website.

Safety advice during power cuts can also be found on the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service website.

For information about Warm Hubs provided by SPEN in communities impacted by severe weather visit the SPEN website.


We are working to clear outstanding issues this morning, however this will continue to take time. Please drive to the conditions and be aware of the potential for debris.


We continue to provide public updates through our dedicated webpage – www.scotborders.gov.uk/severeweather - including local roads information on a live map. We'll also use SB Alert and our social media channels to keep our communities updated.

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Message Sent By
Adam Drummond
(Scottish Borders Council, Senior Communications & Marketing Officer, Scottish Borders)

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